Track season is over and Avery couldn’t be happier about it! School is coming to a close and all she can think about is long summer days at the beach with her friends. This summer she has 2 church camps: EFY and Girls Camp. Avery went from begging for her drivers permit, to not caring if she gets it or not. Like AT ALL! Not sure how to switch this around, I was REALLY looking forward to another driver in the house and told her I’ll pay her to drive kids and run errands. Still completely unmotivated to get it…#staytuned
Poppy just finished up her spring lacrosse season with an all day tournament last week. Her team, the Mustangs did really well! She had her first practice last night for her summer tournament team, all new girls she’ll be playing with which will be good for her to meet some new kids before high school starts in August. Poppy has a Nike lacrosse camp for 3 days in June, then the same 2 church camps as Avery and then additional lax camps in August. I’m so glad she found a sport she loves and has never asked to quit or take a break from!
Home sick today, along with Avery. We all have sore throats and head colds. Maybe allergies? Goldie finished up her lacrosse season 2 weeks ago and doesn’t want to play this summer. Instead, she wants to go to surf camp and she’s already enrolled in Jr. Lifeguards. This is her first year being old enough for guards, she is SO excited! Goldie wants to join every sport, art class, theater, music, etc. It’s not easy to reign her in and stick with something long enough to really find out if she LOVES it, but we’re starting to narrow down her options.
Oz is making sentences out of her long list of words now. Some make sense, most do not:). She’s also the human recorder and repeats all the words her sisters say to each other. The kids are getting better at spelling out things to each other like “you’re a J-E-R-K” in front of Ozzy. It’s become a word she says daily and we’re doing our best to correct it. What would be even better, is if they stopped using those words altogether! Ozzy is still full speed all day long. One nap per day lasting about 45 minutes. Her energy is something only a can of Red Bull can give me:) Her favorite show right now is Fancy Nancy!
FP TUNIC (wearing a XS) – JEANS (true to size) – SANDALS (true to size) – SUNGLASSES