She’s here! Ozzy Monroe Allen was born on April 8th at 5:59 pm weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces and 19 inches long. It was a long labor, 18 hours, but I only pushed through 3 contractions before she made her debut. Ozzy was delivered by a midwife at the hospital, my first time experiencing a midwife. I was hesitant, and ended up loving it. It prolonged my labor, but made the delivery that much easier.
Sharing this experience with Jeff was more raw and real than either of us imagined. Watching Oz come out and looking over at Jeff’s reaction is one of those lasting memories. There is nothing more special than seeing one of Heavenly Father’s children enter the world.
The girls were in the waiting area with Jeff’s parents. I was so excited to see them and have our family all together for the first time. They all held her and hovered over the nurse while Ozzy was weighed taking bets on her weight. Poppy won with a guess of 7 pounds 6 ounces. Goldie seemed genuinely excited, but made sure to sit on Jeff’s lap and hug him every chance she got.
I feel good right now. Ozzy was a total angel all night and this morning through the newborn screening tests. She didn’t make a peep. Jeff and I are both hanging out on the hospital bed right now staring at her in complete awe of how perfect she is.
Thank you for all the kind words and encouragement over the last few months from the time I announced my pregnancy. It really means a lot to our family.
Congratulations! She is absolutely brautiful!! I love her unique name. I’m just curious, in your experience how did having a midwife prolong your labor?
Congratulations, she’s beautiful. Very happy for your family!
That is the cutest cry face ever! Those pursed lips! Many blessings to you and your adorable crew – So happy you had a safe delivery!
Congratulations! So so beautiful ? you’re entire family is so beautiful! I love her name!!
congrats! she is so so precious!
Congratulations Lisa and Jeff and the girls !!! So very happy for your family !! Ozzy is such a perfect little girl !! God bless your beautiful family !! love Uma
She’s so beautiful…and she shares my birthday which makes her even more perfect! ?
Gah!!!!!! I’ve been checking your site frequently just knowing it would be any time soon (the crazy anxious pregnant lady in me had to keep tabs as I’m only a few weeks behind u and now waiting on my own special girl delivery – just a tad jealous that you’re done!;).
Congrats!!!!! What a DARLING little ball of pure goodness!!!! Feeling all the good feelings over here for ya. Nothing like a new baby in the world.
Ps. Name is RAD.