All of the girls love to help me cook. Growing up I would sit in the kitchen and watch my mom for hours. She made everything from scratch and utilized our garden as much as possible. I’ve taken my moms approach to cooking, but try to find alternatives to butter and oil and add as much protein as possible to our meals. One of Goldie’s favorite things to help me make is guacamole.
Jeff and I could eat Mexican food for every meal. I think it’s the Arizona natives in us.
I love to add a twist to our guacamole by adding plain greek yogurt. It makes it creamy, adds some tang and over 20g of added protein to our favorite dip!!
Here’s how we make ours:
3 ripe avocados
1.5 cups of plain greek yogurt ( we used Chobani this time)
2 large limes – juiced
half purple onion – finely chopped
1 large handfull cilantro – chopped
I typically use garlic salt, but we grabbed the lemon pepper by accident and I LOVE how it turned out. So use either garlic salt or lemon pepper to taste. I typically use a lot.
black pepper to taste
Mash your avocado, chop your onion and cilantro, squeeze your limes, add your seasoning and yogurt and mix it all up! That’s it! Another tip to save on calories, spread on a rice/corn cake. Goldie wasn’t a fan. She prefers Tostitos. Me too, actually.
10 thoughts on “High Protein Guacamole with Goldie”