Want to hear something else crazy? For 5 days, 4 hotels, food, gas and their rewards the entire trip cost under $1500! No lie. Sometimes I forget how expensive life in California is. We used Priceline for our hotels, ate at normal restaurants, stopped for drinks/snacks about 10 times, bought souvenirs, etc. It cost $30ish to get into Yellowstone and once you are in, you don’t really spend any money, it’s pretty great. Which national park should we go to next? I’m thinking Yosemite..
Over the summer we took our first real family vacation! We had some big ideas on going cross-country and back. Then one night we drove in traffic with the kids to LA for the Finding Dory premier and change our mind..;) You guys we went from here St. George for a quick stop at Swig, then Salt Lake to stay the night. Next morning we were on the road headed to Yellowstone. We stopped a couple of times on our way through Idaho. Jeff served a mission there for our church and it was his first time back in over 10 years. It was really fun to see where he spent two years of his life and hear stories along the way.
The next two days were spent exploring all the Yellowstone has to offer. I had no idea what to expect and man alive, it was unreal! I totally expected it be somewhat warm and I was totally wrong! Think 30-40 degrees with rain and snow. Even the kids were in awe of just how beautiful the park was. After we got our Yellowstone fix we headed back to California. Both Jeff and I said the trip went better than planned. Here’s a tip for traveling with kids: we told each child that if they were nice all the way to Yellowstone, that means ZERO fighting and complaining. Like ZERO, they would each get $50 to spend while we were there. Might sound like a lot, but if you consider how much you spend on your kids anyway for treats and souvenirs it’s almost equals out. Guess what? All of them earned it. I mean that’s a 15 hour drive + a night in a hotel together. I’m still shocked they all did it. On the way home we offered the same incentive and only one child earned it..win some, you lose some.