hey hey! I’m feeling so much better since my last update. Thanks for all the well wishes, I really appreciate it. I’m almost to the halfway mark…woo!
Today the kids shot a campaign for ivivva (lululemons’s kids company) to be featured on my LunchPails and Lipstick. It got me thinking to the when I first started blogging and would have the kids do all sorts of jobs for our site. Oh man, what a joke it was! After about a year I promised them I would’t feature them unless they agreed to do it and it was something they would actually enjoy. It’s been our deal since then and seems to work well for all of us. I think their favorite brand to work for is ivivva, hands down. Why? Free clothes! It’s the unofficial school uniform of their elementary school;). The other benefit is the kids get to be part of the process. I think it’s really cool I get to show them a behind the scene view of what each post takes. Believe it or not, hours are poured into each campaign. Its not just standing in front of a camera in fun clothes with a few links. I love showing the kids what I do. I also love that my girls have always known their mom as a stay at home mom that also runs a full-time business. I want them to see first hand they can have whatever life they choose to create for themselves.