BIG NEWS, We’re Having A Baby

Hi everyone! It’s been awhile since we’ve posted new content. Thanks for being patient while we enjoyed our first year of marriage! I’m committed to posting on here regularly, especially now that we’re adding a new member to our family! Yep, we’re having a baby! exciting and so crazy! Did you see the video with each of the kids reactions? Haha, I watched it probably 20 times while Jeff was editing and I still laugh. Especially at Goldie’s McDonalds comment.

So it’s true, I’m expecting baby #4 this SPRING!

Announcement! We're having a baby! Lisa Allen in red dress, sneakers, and long sleeve white blouse.

It’s been so long since I’ve had a baby, I literally forgot the basics and loaded the What to Expect app onto my phone for some reminders.

I’m excited to share weekly journal updates, gear and products for moms, Q&A’s, etc. This will be a spot to come to for all the things our family enjoys!

Welcome back to Salty Lashes!