Losing baby weight is no easy task! For me, it takes a solid 9-10 months to get back to where I started and another 3-4 months after that to tone up. Today I’m sharing a few tips that I have helped me slim down post baby with all of my girls. Remember to take it slow, have patience with yourself & listen to your body! I loved taking the time after each baby to appreciate my body and the incredible things it has gone through.
Tips For Losing The Baby Weight:
1.Set realistic goals. What works for me, may not work for you. And vice versa. I was sure I’d leave the hospital at least 20 lbs lighter( I gained 45 lbs) after having Ozzy, but I only lost 7 pounds initially. This was frustrating. Then I remembered not in my 20’s anymore. 30’s and childbirth are much different. So instead of focusing on the scale, I chose to focus on how I felt and how my clothes fit. Be patient and listen to your body! Also, remember that each pregnancy is different!
2.Do you know what is hard for me? Drinking water. For real. I drink on average 12-20oz a day of water, that’s it. It’s terrible. I’ve been working on increasing my water intake by adding fruit to my water and using a good water bottle like this HYDROFLASK to keep water cold throughout the whole day. If I keep water with me all day long, I’m more likely to drink it. You can also try to remember to drink a full bottle of water every time your baby eats.Water keeps you hydrated and makes your workouts more efficient and gives you more energy. Staying hydrated also helps boost your metabolism!
3.Be consistent. It’s really easy for me to justify not working out. I mean.. I have four kids, I work full time..I’m busy. This is why going to Orange Theory and BodyRok have kept me on track. Not only are there membership fees, but if I miss a class I’ve signed up for, there are also added fee’s to that. I hate wasting money, so if I sign up, I go. I take 5 minutes on Sunday and sign up for all my classes for the week. It’s so motivating to be in a class where someone tells you what to do and pushes you to do your best. I find it harder to complete a workout at home because I lack the self discipline sometimes.
4.Belly Bandit. It helps shrink your belly and waist, and realign your hips, post baby. THIS one is great for the first 4 weeks and then I moved onto THIS one. Don’t feel defeated if you can’t get it on right after delivery like many of the reviews say they did. I ordered the smallest size due to my pre-pregnancy size and couldn’t get the velcro to even touch till 2 weeks postpartum. Or.. just be smarter than me and order two sizes, bigger for right away and the next size down once your body begins to move back into place. I did the belly bandit method for about 6 weeks total. More than anything it really helped support my back, hips & pelvis.
5.Meal prep and plan! Keeping healthy food around the house like last nights CEVICHE, PROTEIN BALLS, PROTEIN GUACAMOLE and making simple SALADS SOUPS and all help me stay on track. I love to grill a bunch of chicken at the beginning of the week and pair it with yummy vegetables, rice or throw it on top of a salad.
Bonus: I’ve never shared this tip publicly before. Are you ready? Once my babies are about 2 weeks old and I’m walking around fine I do this: at every feeding (every 2-3 hours) I try and do 10 modified pushups( I think I could only do 5 at a time until week 4 with Ozzy) and 10 squats. Seems silly, huh? If you think about it, those add up really quick considering you are feeding so often. After a month increase your squats to 20. Once you’re ready to do abs, add a few sit ups or a 30-60 second plank in. I’ve learned little things throughout the day not only help me get back in shape, but also increase my energy and give me endorphins.
Great post, thanks for sharing. Question for you: are you still wearing your belly bandit and how long do you plan to wear it? What are your thoughts on waist training? You look beautiful Mama! xo
I did the bellybandit for 6 weeks in total after Ozzy. Some wear it for much longer. Personally I don’t believe in waist training as a long term solution. Belly Bandit is not long term either. It’s a great way to help your hips go back while your body still has the relaxin hormone in the system, but it won’t take the place of a good diet and exercise. Again, this is just my opinion. Thanks for being here xxo
So glad you did a post on this!! Thank you!
thanks for reading!
thanks for the tips!! Just had my baby 6 weeks ago so great timing. Love the last tip about the push ups and squats!!
Congrats on your baby!
Hi ? I just wanted to add that after my first c section I was afraid to use the belly bandit but it actually really helped me feel more supported while I healed…
I agree, the support is really important. xxo
I’m due any second now and really appreciate the tips for after baby boy comes. Thank you Lisa!!
Thanks for all the tips, Lisa! I’m 4 months pregnant and already thinking of all the ways to bounce back once I give birth! How did you like the Mima stroller? That’s on our list to buy!
xo, Julia
Thank you! Very practical and realistic! I love this! I’m still struggling almost 8 months after having a baby:(